Arvee has a lot of powerful features, but trip comparisons is certainly one of the best. With it you have the freedom to change your carefully-planned trips without losing track of how your changes will impact your reservations.
Let’s start with a common life goal RV trip — traveling the full length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles:

Anyone who has ever planned a trip like this will tell you — it’s a lot of work. There are at least a dozen reservations you have to make at various campgrounds across the country, drive-times to consider, and more. So much work in fact (and I can speak from experience), even the idea of changing it can raise your blood pressure.
One of the joys of RV life is the freedom to explore, and Arvee is designed to take as much stress out of the process of planning as possible. Let’s say, for example, you get to Springfield, relatively early in your journey and meet some fellow travelers who tell you about a bunch of great things happening that are detours off Route 66 that you simply cannot miss. In other planning apps the best you could do is make a copy of your trip and start making changes to figure out your new route and your left to figure out once your done what exactly you changed and how that will impact the reservations you’ve made already. With Arvee the process starts the same, but the end result is much more powerful.
To demonstrate this, let’s start by taking this route and making of copy of it. You can do this from the planner dashboard screen by long-pressing / clicking on a given trip and clicking “Copy Trip” on the toolbar:

This will create a new copy of your trip with the word “Copy” appended to the end of it:

Now that we have a copy of our trip to play with, let’s open it up and make a few changes. For the purposes of this article I won’t show you every single change I made but as you can see from the map we’ve added a few detours and changed a few stops. I’ve also changed the amount of time I decided to stay at a given destination as well:

Now that we’ve made all of these changes to our copied trip, how do we determine what is different? Well that’s easy with Arvee — we just use the compare trips feature which can be found back on the Planner dashboard screen. Using the same long-press technique to select trips, select both the original trip and the copy by selecting the original trip first, followed by the trip with the changes. The order matters here! Once you have selected both trips, the “Compare Trips” button in the toolbar will be enabled, so give it a click!

This will bring up the trip comparison screen, which shows you exactly how the two trips different by looking at one of three different things (as compared to the original trip)
- Destinations that were added to the trip
- Destinations that were removed from the trip
- Destinations where your arrival / departure dates have changed
All of this information is provided in an easy-to-read colorized table, complete with the contact information for each destination. Since the list is way to big to show in this article, here’s a snippet that contains an example of each of the changes I made between the two trips:

As you can see, common destination/date combinations between the two trips are shown in blue, extending between the two columns. Additions and removals are shown in red / green respectively, where date changes are shown in purple. In this case, the above shows the differences between the two trips is:
- We removed “Zans Creekside RV Park”
- We changed our dates for “Cooks RV Motor Park” from August 3rd until the 10th, to July 27th to August 3rd
- We added a new stop “Walnut Grove RV Park” after “Cooks RV Motor Park”
Armed with this knowledge you can easily contact each destination to update them on your travel plan changes — if we can we will even provide the website and phone number right here on the screen.
Comparing Trips is just one of the innovations we have brought to the RV trip planning space designed to take the stress out of your planning. We are certain you will find it valuable in your travels — happy camping!